Category Archives: 2015

DMI Updated Reference List

Abstracts, Posters Bae, C. & Chan, E. rHEALTH Sensor: Shrinking a Hospital Test Center onto a Chip. in NASA Human Research Program Investigators' Workshop (South Shore Harbour Resort and Conference Center, 2009). Bae, C., Bishara, A., Yin, Z. & Chan, E.Y. Universal In-Flight Health Diagnostic Technology: rHEALTH Sensor and Nanostrips. in USRA HRP (Houston, TX, 2010). Chan, E....
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Tricorder XPRIZE: DMI Delivers First Prototype

DMI, one of the ten finalists in the Qualcomm Tricorder XPRIZE has delivered its first Tricorder prototype to the competition this past weekend. The Qualcomm Tricorder XPRIZE is a $10 Million competition in which the final participants have to deliver a comprehensive medical device inspired by the Star Trek Tricorder. DMI’s rHealth Tricorder is geared to...
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