Tag Archives: rHealth Tricorder

rHEALTH Talk at Innovation Session at AACC Annual Meeting

Today July 28, 2015 Dr. Eugene Chan will give a talk at the annual American Association for Clinical Chemistry Meeting. His topic "The rHealth Tricorder: Bridging Fiction to Reality" will take place from 2:30 - 5:00 pm during the following session "33214 Late Breaking Session: Clinical Chemistry’s Hot Topics of 2015:...
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DMI’s Countdown to the Tricorder XPRIZE: From 1 to 30 Tricorders in 6 weeks

On June 9 Team DMI packed up all 30 units and made its way to California for the $10 Million Qualcomm Tricorder delivery deadline. The competition organized by the XPRIZE foundation was launched 3 years ago in an effort to encourage companies from around the globe to develop a comprehensive medical device. The inspiration for this...
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Tricorder XPRIZE: DMI Delivers First Prototype

DMI, one of the ten finalists in the Qualcomm Tricorder XPRIZE has delivered its first Tricorder prototype to the competition this past weekend. The Qualcomm Tricorder XPRIZE is a $10 Million competition in which the final participants have to deliver a comprehensive medical device inspired by the Star Trek Tricorder. DMI’s rHealth Tricorder is geared to...
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